Thursday 24 October 2013

#1 Facebook Tips ~ Improve Your Facebook Engagement

If you build a Facebook Page, will fans come? This is the great hope for many businesses. However, fans do not magically appear from the Facebook mist.

1) Solve problems with photos.

Posts with a simple image and a caption that shows fans the solution to a problem or a way to improve their daily lives receive marked engagement.

Whole Foods uses this post tactic to encourage fan discussions about product-related solutions to common problems.

Tips for posting images to Facebook:

Larger images tend to get more likes, shares and comments. Use the Upload Photos/Video function to publish photo files directly into your post instead of posting a link that shows a thumbnail.

Optimize images for the 403 x 403 pixel display in the timeline. Larger images display from the center of the image, and some of the edges may not appear in the news feed unless a user clicks through.

2) Let them fill in the blank.

Use a short sentence with one word missing to generate a significant amount of comments, likes and shares.

Pringles used a fill-in-the-blank post to connect their chips with a relaxing summer holiday. A bonus of this tactic is that Pringles got a snapshot of their fans’ product preferences by monitoring the comments.

Tips for fill-in-the-blank posts on Facebook:

Use fill-in-the-blank posts as a two-pronged engagement tactic: interact with your online community and get to know them better for future marketing campaigns.
Use the post tactic in conjunction with a specific event, such as a summer holiday or a family ski trip.
Awkward or funny situations get people to engage on a more personal level.

                              That's it for now, but there is more to come - Stay tuned.


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